Sunday, December 16, 2012


Today we happened to have the camera at church due to H being in the Xmas show. Mike caught these sweet pics of Harp and I.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


So proud of my girl who made this at school. "I tried to spell all by myself mom. I know I missed some letters, but I tried!"

Night night daddy

Lunch with Santa at the zoo!

SO much fun!!!

It's beginning to look a lot like Xmas!

A day at the salon

Curls and sparkles, oh my! The girls had a blast!

Christmas tree

We love our yearly tradition of picking out our Xmas tree. It was lots of fun!


Date with the big H.

H and I went to the Children's theater in Milwaukee to see a production of Rudolph. We had a great time!

Rock stars.

We are serious rock stars in this house right now.

Friday, November 23, 2012


Before bed photo shoot

The other night the girls and I had fun before they went to bed taking pictures.

Christmas trees!

The girls love having their own Christmas trees in their rooms!

A day at the park

Just before winter hits we were lucky to have a nice warm day yesterday. We enjoyed some park time!

Random pics