So, today we had a wonderful day. Mimi and Papa came for a visit and we had a cookout. It was great to see them and they had a wonderful time getting to see their grandaughter. Papa surprised us all showing up without his mustache. It was the first time Lindsay and I had ever seen our dad without one, but we like the change a ton! Hadley missed most of the day as she was a sleeping machine. Poor kid is still trying to get over this horrible cold she has had the last couple of weeks.
While we had a wonderful time being able to spend today off of work and hanging with our family, the real reason for today was definately in our minds. We think of those who can't be with their families due to serving our country and we are forever grateful. We cannot imagine being so far away from our families and especially now, even missing one day with our daughter would be hard. We think even more of those who have lost their lives or the ones they love due to their service to our country. Whether or not we agree with this war should be far from our minds today, we should be remembering those who serve and we do and thank each and every one of you.