Thursday, July 30, 2009

My baby isn't a baby anymore...

Last night we went to open house at Hadley's school. Yes, that is what I said, Hadley's school! WHAT? How did this happen? My baby is growing up too fast. Anyway, Hadley will be starting school in February as soon as she turns three. Tonight we got to go and meet her teacher, Mrs. Hanes, see her classroom and check out the play room. It was so fun. The best part was seeing how truly excited Hadley was. She wishes she could go tomorrow! It will be great for her to have this experience, but we seriously cannot believe she is old enough to go already. It all begins....

Brewer game

Mike and I went to the Brewer game the other day for a night out. Here are some photo's of us, notice my husband who likes to make faces when getting his picture taken! He was sporting the rally cap which did nothing to help the Brewers that night!!!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Nap time

Hadley didn't feel like taking a nap today. I was slightly irritated by this fact until I heard this coming from the baby monitor and busted into laughter. Gotta love the kid!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Visiting Grams

I've heard it said that children have a sense for things. After today I have to say I believe it. Usually when we go visit great grandma Hadley isn't too into it. We are there for a short while before she is ready to go and do bigger and better things. She usually won't sit still and just wants to push grandma around in her wheel chair. Today was different.

When we got there grandma was in bed. I went into her room and asked her if she wanted us to stay or leave if she was taking a nap. She told me, as she cried, that she wasn't taking a nap, just having a bad day. Her roommate had passed away last night and as grandma said, "and I really liked her Jill". So, I decided it was the perfect time for some sunshine in the form of a two year old to take over.

Hadley went right up to grandma and told her not to be sad and to be happy. Then she proceeded to climb into bed with her and get right under the covers. She told me that we should sing great grandma songs so she would be happy. I literally had to keep biting back tears because it was so sweet.

She made grandma pretend to sleep and then would bounce up and "wake her up". She had grandma shaking she was laughing so hard. They sang duets of a bicycle built for two, yankee doodle, and mary had a little lamb. And every once in awhile Hadley would lean over, give grandma a hug and say, "I love you great grandma". Seriously, I could barely stand the sweetness of it all.

I asked her twice if she was ready to go and always her answer was, "no momma, I want to stay by great grandma". We were there for over an hour, it was a little slice of heaven. I'll never forget that visit.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Dancing at German fest

Feeding the ducks

I forgot to post these pics from one night last week. My friend Missy and her daughter Nora joined us for dinner out and then showed us the best place in Port to feed the ducks! Missy made adorable duck food bags for the girls and we had a blast! I could not believe how many ducks there were!!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Fish Day Parade and German Fest

We had a fun weekend that started with the Fish Day parade Saturday morning. Sunday afternoon we headed over to Cedarburg's German Fest, it was a great time!

Waiting for the parade to start

Watching the parade with Joseph

I'm ready for German Fest

Having fun at German Fest

Zoo class

Here's Hadley "rolling in the mud" at Zoo Class about pigs

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Post Race

I love life. I love that no matter how old you are you keep learning things about yourself. I realized something recently, it takes me time to emotionally process things sometimes. It is four days after the triathlon and I just had my "finish" moment. I went for a walk, and for some reason, really wanted to listen to the playlist that I used to listen to last August when I was going through the neck issue. I listened to that playlist every single night during that month and a half of hell. It brought me endless peace. That is another thing I realized recently in my life, few things bring me as much peace as music does.

Back to the moment...

It is a gorgeous night and there is nothing better than a walk once night has fallen, next to the water in Port Washington. It is simply beautiful. As I walked along the water I was suddenly brought to tears. I finally, all of the sudden, allowed myself to have my moment. The moment in which I let myself feel the pride that you feel when you truly accomplish something.

The day of the triathlon was moving. It was amazing. However, at the same time, I was so focused on getting through that I didn't have that much time to process what was occurring. When I finished, I felt proud and happy, but I was so excited to see my family and friends that I didn't really emotionally process what just happened.

Tonight I did.

I let myself sit down by the water, close my eyes, and remember every moment.

I remember driving to Kenosha at 4:15 in the morning, listening to my running playlist, crying my eyes out one moment and laughing with excitement the next. If only there would have been a camera filming that drive!

I remember how insanely long it felt to wait from 6:30 until my start at 8am. I remember thinking this is the longest I have stood in just my swimming suit with 4000 people around me!

I remember holding the hand of my dear friend as we walked to the edge of the water to await our start and we both were shaking. I remember hearing them countdown from 10 to 1 and thinking, you are about to do this, it is finally here. I remember the swim and how alone I felt even though there were hundreds of people in the water with me. It was so quiet in the water. I remember smiling at one point because I realized I was already half way through the swim.

I remember seeing my family and friends for the first time. I can see their smiles and hear their yells. I remember my sister asking me if I needed my inhaler and laughing at how cute I thought that was. I remember how hard it was to get my tank top on over my swim suit because I was wet and the girl next to me and I were laughing because for some reason that was hilarious to us in that moment.

I remember getting on my bike and trying to take it all in. I remember praying to God that I would not get a flat tire, because even though I had learned how to change it, I was scared to actually do it. I remember looking down at my odometer thinking, really that was only 3 miles? I remember how gorgeous the views were along the bike ride and that I actually reminded myself at one point to remember this.

I remember my friend Missy yelling to me as I passed her on the ride and how much I enjoyed the last 5 or so miles of us staying together and just chatting.

I remember seeing those just beginning the bike when I was at the end thinking that I was glad I was at the end. I remember getting anxious about the run as I reached the end of the bike. I remember seeing my friends and family again with their smiles and cheers and how proud I was that they were there.

I remember the run. Every single inch of the run. Running has always been difficult for me. I was nervous from the time I agreed to do this about the run. It doesn't help that it is at the end, after you have already swam and biked. It was rough for me.

I remember Missy's words of encouragement, she kept telling me that I could do it.

I remember when I got near the end and there began to be spectators along the route. They were cheering so loud. It was awesome. I could see the end. It was actually going to come to an end. I looked down at my watch, I was under two hours. I couldn't believe it. I thought it would take me close to two and a half hours. I saw all of my friends and family, I was smiling, almost laughing, I had done it. I reached the end and they put my finish metal around my neck and said, "congratulations, you are a triathlete". My friend Missy, the one that made me believe I could do this, was there. We hugged for a long time and cried. I saw the rest of my friends and family and we all hugged and it was awesome. I remember picking up Hadley and just hugging her for a long time, what I think now is that I hope she will know as she grows up that you can do anything you want if you believe in yourself.

It wasn't until tonight though that I really felt it. I really did it. I really did something that I never, ever, thought I could do. I don't think there are words to sum up what that feels like. It is a feeling I get to keep all for myself. I will try to remember it forever.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


The awesome shirts my sister had made for today's event!

The triathlon

More pics to come, but here are a few to start it off. I will also write a post about what it was like, once I rest up!

Hadley wanted to know who put that on my arm

Getting ready to rack my bike

Me and Missy, my friend from work

Some other girls I work with that also did the race
finishing the bike!

seeing my little bugaboo after I was done

The girls I work with post race

Post race meal

Hadley's shirt that she wore for the race

Thursday, July 09, 2009

3 days

I've had this goal for a long time.

It didn't start just this year. It was about 6 years ago actually. I was working out at the Y and I heard some ladies talking about training for a triathlon. I thought to myself, wouldn't it be cool if I could accomplish something like that? I got all psyched about it, decided I was going to do it, even sent out an email to friends asking if they'd like to join me. Then I stopped myself, the doubt kicked in, "I can't do that", "someone like me could never accomplish something like that". All those wonderful stupid voices inside my head talked myself out of it before I even really looked into it.

You see, I have never been very athletic. I was always the "fat" kid in school and heard lots of comments from lots of people about all the things I couldn't do. After awhile I just started believing it myself. It was easier that way. However, that was adolescence, we all go through some stuff in those years.

When I went to college I started believing in myself. It didn't happen overnight and I still doubt myself on things at times. As above, I was able to talk myself out of that triathlon just 6 years ago.

The situation with my neck last year changed me. It made me realize that there is no time for doubting and that I just need to believe in myself. So that is what I did. I got much healthier and in the process lost 42 pounds. I decided, thanks to a wonderful friend who knows who she is, to complete something that I never thought I could do.

I will do this triathlon.

I started "training" in January when I began to run. Just the other day I was reliving what that has been for me. I started out only able to run 30 seconds and walk 4 1/2 minutes. I did that on and off for 30 minutes. Walk 4 1/2, run 30 seconds. I remember thinking, I am NEVER going to be able to run a full 30 minutes. I was wrong. I have run two 5K's since then and am able to run more than thirty minutes.

When I started swimming I made it four lengths of the pool before I was out of breath and had to stop. Now I can do all 40 lengths of the pool without stopping.

The biking was what I was most comfortable with from the beginning and that has stayed true. I never went on a 12.8 mile bike ride intentionally before, but I have grown to love it.

I am nervous for this Sunday, that is the truth, but I will do it, and that is the truth.

What I think about the most is what it will feel like when my feet cross that finish line. I don't care if it takes me 20 hours (which it better not!) the feeling of accomplishing something like this I truly can't imagine right now. All I know is that it will be awesome.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

The zoo

Chill on the hill

We checked out Bay View's Chill on the Hill with some friends, great music, great weather, we had a good time!