So, monday was Hadley's 8 month "birthday" and our two year anniversary, such a big day! The past two years have been filled with amazing experiences. It all began with our wedding, which at the time was the most amazing day of our life. We both believe that most amazing day was replaced by the birth of our daughter 8 months ago. What an amazing experience, bringing a child into the world. Every single day we wake up excited to see her and see what she is going to do that day. Hadley turned 8 months old with 5 teeth, crawling like a maniac, pulling herself to standing, walking along furniture, waving bye bye, eating all table food, and making her parents exceptionally proud of her every moment. Our days continue to be filled with happiness because of this little girl. We are so happy to be her parents and could never imagine our life without her in it. So, we are thankful once again for all the blessings our life together has brought us. We look forward to another wonderful year together.