Before the run with Hadley Hadley and Lulu playing while mom runs With friends, Greg and Amy After the run Here are some pics of the possibility playground 5K that I ran this morning. I shaved 4 minutes off my time since the last 5K I ran so I was really happy!
One of my favorite things about living in Port Washington is how close we are to a beautiful marina on lake michigan. I just love walking down there and looking at the water and boats. Hadley loves it also and this is our second day in a row of making the trip. Tonight we fed some ducks bread and Hadley thought that was the greatest.
Last weekend we went to Uncle John's for a cookout, but I never posted the pics! Here are some from the fun.
"I'm ready to go!" Looking at the Robin's nest with Uncle John Pretty girl Filling Uncle John's bird-feeder with him. Daddy having fun on Sean's super pogo stick
Grandpa Schwenzen and Hadley taking a walk Grandma and Grandpa Schwenzen
We took Hadley to her first Brewer game today. It was so much fun, she had a blast. We thought for sure we would have to go find the kids playground they have inside the stadium because she wouldn't last long, but we didn't! She sat in her seat the entire game and loved every minute! It was so much fun! We also celebrated Auntie Lulu's birthday at the game, we all had a blast.
Hadley and mom went to zoo class this morning. Dad has taken Hadley a few times, but this was my first experience. It was SO fun!! I highly recommend it to any parent. They do several really cool projects and it is just an all around fun time. I can't wait to go again!!!
Here are some pics of Hadley pretending to be a cowboy the other night before bed. Mike and I were crying we were laughing so hard and her "galloping" and yelling, "ride em cowboy!"
This is a video from the other night. Hadley likes to go on jungle adventures through the house where we see many different animals and such. The best part in my opinion is the play high heels, purse and trick or treating basket that accompany us. (:
We spent almost the entire day outside today thanks to the fact that it finally feels like spring outside!
Hadley checking out her new Dora big wheel that mom got for a steal on craigslist! LOVE swinging! Our neighbors just gave us this little tykes house since they aren't using it anymore, we were so excited! Hadley loves it! Reading with mom