Yesterday afternoon Hadley and I made a gingerbread house, it was really fun! Although, Hadley liked the idea of eating the candy much better than putting it on the house!
Some of you have requested to see my belly, here you go! As you can see, the baby has clearly decided to say hello! What a difference the 2nd pregnancy makes!
Well, I am trying to catch up on everything while rejoining the world. I was diagnosed with H1N1 last Sunday and was off of work this entire week. There has been lots of resting and being quarantined to my bedroom. We didn't want Mike or Hadley to get it so we kept away from each other. Luckily they made it through without getting sick. It was exactly what I had feared. I was very scared of getting this illness while pregnant and with asthma. I had to make the decision to take the meds which was also scary because they are a class c medication during pregnancy, meaning it is not for sure if they are safe or not. However, I had to get better and the doctors assured us it was the best decision. We are feeling much better today as we were able to have an ultrasound yesterday and saw the little one jumping around and looking great. I am looking forward to entering the 2nd trimester with hopefully the return of some energy and also not feeling nauseous 24/7. Just this morning I woke up and it appears that the baby wishes for the world to know he/she is around, as I am starting to look pregnant. I heard it happens sooner the 2nd time around and that appears to be the case!
Hadley's latest favorite thing to do is play superstar. Who knows where that name came from, essentially it is playing dress up, but she gets all done up and then says "superstar", it is adorable.