When I registered for the tri I am participating in July 10th, they asked that participants send them an email answering a question. The question was, "why are you doing this?" Below is the answer that I gave them....
My name is Jill Schwenzen. I am 33 years old. I will participate on July 10, 2011 in my second triathlon.
You asked the question why I will do this. The following is my answer...
The first answer is for my daughters. Growing up, I always struggled with my weight. It was a constant source of upset for me. I never, in a million years thought that I would ever be able to participate in something like a triathlon. Having to run the mile in school growing up made me have panic attacks for months prior.
In August of 2009 I found a lump in my neck. The next month was filled with many doctor appointments, biopsy's, MRI's, all culminating with a surgery to remove lymph nodes. There was a strong possibility that what was going to be found was cancer. Although I tried to remain positive, I was scared to death. I had a baby and a husband and a lifetime of hopes ahead of me. I spent many nights crying myself to sleep and praying to God that he would make this okay.
I was lucky. It wasn't cancer.
That experience changed me. I promised myself in that month of wondering what if? that if it wasn't cancer and I was okay, that I would change some things. One thing I promised myself is that I would get healthier and more active. I wanted to do all I could to stick around as long as possible.
I have always wanted to do a triathlon. It was one of those things that I wanted to accomplish, but never thought I could. Once I found out I was okay, I decided that I was going to accomplish this goal. I made up my mind. No matter what I was going to do this.
Most of all, I wanted to show my girls that you can do absolutely anything that you set your mind to.
I finished my first triathlon in July of 2009. It was the most amazing feeling. I had done it. I completed a goal that I never thought I could achieve.
This is my second time. This time around it was a decision for a couple different reasons. One of which is sustaining healthy decisions. After my first tri I got pregnant with my second daughter. I gained a lot of weight and fell back into some old patterns. Once I recovered from having a baby I decided to start training again and participate in another tri.
Every time I achieve a milestone in my training I think of my girls. I think of how I am going to raise them as strong women that are worthy of respect and love. I am proud that they will look at me as a mom who is strong and believes in herself.
The other, completely unrelated, reason that I am participating in this triathlon is for my dad. I won't elaborate, but he knows why.
Thank you for this opportunity. You offered this woman the chance to feel success. You offered me the chance to feel like I could achieve something that I never thought that I could. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
Jill Schwenzen