I rarely get time to actually sit and write down my thoughts between working full time, parenting full time, trying to exercise and the million other things I have to do on a daily basis. However, this is one of those things I just had to write down….
Hadley received her first progress report yesterday. Mike and I were so proud to read how well she is doing academically and outside of needing to work at times on being a good listener (she likes to chat with her friends!) she had nothing noted that she needs to work on.
Hadley is a true joy in our lives and also a child that pushes us to the brink of our exhaustion at times with parenting. She is simply amazing in how her little brain works and she often thinks she is much, much older than she is. Mike and I have both learned the limits of our patience at times, but have also learned what it is like to have your love for a child make your heart overflow.
Last night, Hadley and I went out for a hot chocolate at the local coffee shop to have a little mommy and me time. I sat there watching her smiling little self thinking that this is all that truly matters to me in the world. It was one of those moments that I will take with me in the depths of my memories until my life here is done.
Paul Simon was playing over the speakers and Hadley looked at me and said “dance with me mommy”. I told her that I was kind of embarrassed to dance in the middle of the coffee shop. She said, “mommy, sometimes you just need to do these things”. I looked at her and said, “you are absolutely right H”. In my head I was thinking, who cares if these people look at me like I am crazy, all that matters is that in this moment, my little girl wants to dance with her mommy. So I got up, danced with her and soaked in every inch of her little smile.
On the way home, from the back seat of my car, my little girl’s voice came forward and said the following…
“Mommy, that was the most fun ever, spending time with you at the coffee shop tonight”
I will never forget this night. This is what life is all about.