The Y had a cute Eggstravaganza today. The girls were able to do crafts, plant a flower, go in a jumpy house, see the Easter bunny (which Harper did NOT appreciate) and go on an egg hunt. It was a fun time!
The other night H asked if she could make her own dinner. I told her that she could and asked her what she wanted to make. Peanut butter and jelly it was!
We had a visit from those silly leprechauns who turned our toilet green, left green footprints all over and left chocolate and stickers for the girls. For breakfast we had lucky charms cereal and green milk!
It has been a really really mild winter around here, but yesterday we actually got some snow. Daddy took the girls out for some fun in the snow before bed. Mom stayed in where it was warm... :) They had a great time!
Last weekend we headed up to the Blue Harbor on what has become a yearly tradition. We celebrated H's 5th birthday there with Mimi and Papa and good family friends! It was a great time. H had a fabulous time playing with her friend Riley!