Sunday, November 26, 2006
28 Weeks

Wednesday, November 22, 2006
We had our second birthing class last night. We practiced lots of different breathing techniques and learned about back labor. I am counting on Mike to remember this stuff because I have this feeling that in the pain of labor, which breathing I am supposed to do when may fall to the wayside in my head. We watched a video of an actual birth which was quite emotional to watch. Of course, sappy me, ends up crying when the baby is born because I have these intense emotions over the fact that we are going to go through this and have a little one of our own in such a short time. The very thought of the life growing inside me blows my mind and I can barely wrap my hands around it at times. Then we took a tour of the birthing center and saw the rooms that we will use. While we were standing in the hall they were rolling a just born infant into the nursery and again I got all emotional at just the thought that we are going to have one of those in less than three months. It is so darn exciting!!!
I had my 7 month doctor appointment this morning which was quite eventful. In addition to the normal things that happen at every appointment such as hearing the heartbeat, which never gets old, I had to do the gestational diabetes test and get the Rhogam shot. So, in case you didn't already know, I HATE shots and have been dreading this shot since the beginning of my pregnancy when I found out I had to have it at 28 weeks. Well, it didn't disappoint me too much, it did hurt, but maybe not as bad as I thought it would. I didn't realize that I was going to have to get the shot in my hip, that was not exciting. Anyway, it is over and I am sure after going through childbirth I will think that getting that shot is something quite pleasant. After that I had to go get three vials of blood taken for the diabetes test and some other tests that they do. When I left I was done with being poked and proded for today!
I had my 7 month doctor appointment this morning which was quite eventful. In addition to the normal things that happen at every appointment such as hearing the heartbeat, which never gets old, I had to do the gestational diabetes test and get the Rhogam shot. So, in case you didn't already know, I HATE shots and have been dreading this shot since the beginning of my pregnancy when I found out I had to have it at 28 weeks. Well, it didn't disappoint me too much, it did hurt, but maybe not as bad as I thought it would. I didn't realize that I was going to have to get the shot in my hip, that was not exciting. Anyway, it is over and I am sure after going through childbirth I will think that getting that shot is something quite pleasant. After that I had to go get three vials of blood taken for the diabetes test and some other tests that they do. When I left I was done with being poked and proded for today!
Sunday, November 19, 2006
So, I have no exciting pictures from the weekend to post, in fact, I haven't for a few weeks now. The best part about that is because the past few weeks we have fallen into a rather relaxing life filled with next to no plans and frankly enjoying that. Summer and fall are always so busy for us, the months seem to fly in the flash of a moment and suddenly winter is here. We suspect that perhaps the coming years will start to calm a little because we will not have only ourselves to think of. We are enjoying this next phase of our life, the phase where we can't remember the last time we were out till bar time and an exciting friday night is watching a movie and being in bed for the 10 o'clock news. I guarantee you, not that many years back we would have looked at our current life and thought "those people are boring". Oh, how life changes, it is amazing. Sometimes it feels like college was a minute ago, it is almost impossible to believe that it has been 8 years. Sometimes I'll be up reading a book at 7:30 on a saturday morning thinking, "there was a day where I would have been sleeping for at least 3-4 more hours". Now sleeping till 9am is sleeping in. Even that will soon change with a little one that will allow us much less sleep, we assume, than we are currently enjoying. So, this is my current reflection for the moment, life is good, very very good.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
He He He He who... or birthing class #1
So, last night we had our first birthing class. We showed up with our pillow and blanket in hand ready to learn all the tricks of having this baby. It was only week #1 of 6, but it was quite interesting. We learned all about the different stages of labor, some relaxation techniques, and how much this is going to hurt. Mike and I agreed that it was very informative. We were only slightly embarrassed when we had to try out some of the techniques to "calm" me in the beginning stages of labor when the pain is just beginning. We had to try the slow dancing technique for a whole song that the "teacher" played. It was going well until half way through she said "Okay ladies, now lean into your husband" and Mike and I quickly realized that that works best when the husband is taller than the wife. It was quite humorous. All in all it was painless and it was actually pretty fun for the two of us to be doing together. We were even a little emotional driving there thinking that sometime in about three months we'll be driving there about to meet our little son or daughter. We simply cannot wait, we just love this little one so much already and we haven't even met him or her.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Baby or Cat?
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
24 weeks

Wow, 6 months already! That feels like a long time that bean has been growing! Only 3 and a half months to go, we can't believe it! The carpeting is being installed today in the baby's room so it will be great to see what it looks like when it is all done! Mike's mom bought us our stroller and car seat last week and Mike put it together. It is starting to feel so real with all this baby stuff around! It will be so cool to actually have the baby to put in all the stuff soon!!!
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