The end of 2007
Mike and I were talking earlier today about New Years past and how exciting they used to be as we would figure out what plans we were going to have. It was 7 years ago tonight that we shared our first kiss as midnight struck. This years plans are a little different. We put our daughter to bed around 7:30, we are making dinner as I type and we are going to take down our christmas tree. Wow, the excitement. The funny thing is, we couldn't have pictured it any other way. These are the kinds of nights that make us happy, home together as a family. Mike may see midnight strike as he is much more of a night owl than I am, I am sure I will be fast asleep as 2008 arrives...
As we say goodbye to 2007 we can't help but feel a little sad over the change of the year. 2007 will no doubt be remembered as one of the best years of our lives. The year our daughter was born has brought us much happiness, some tears, and no question, many memories. We welcome the new year however with open arms as we have no doubt that this year will bring many more memories and much happiness. 2007 was filled with other memories in addition to Hadley's birth... Jill began a new job and one that she loves, we celebrated our second year of marriage, we saw the birth of many friend's babies and spent lots of time with loved ones. We continue to be thankful for our blessings and look forward to a new year of many more. Happy New Year to all of our family and friends, we love you all!