Good lord does time go fast! We cannot believe that three months have passed and how our little angel has grown. In just three short months she has gone from literally being able to do nothing for herself to being able to do a lot. Following are some of this things she can do and also some of her favorites...
Trying to put herself in some sort of upright position ALL THE TIME! she loves to "sit" or "stand"
Grabbing for objects with her hands and often times becoming successful and getting a toy
Will smile the biggest smile ever when someone she likes is talking to her
Moving all the way around her crib at night and ending up in the complete opposite position from where she was put to sleep
Rolled over from back to stomach once, but mostly just tries super hard and almost gets there!
LOVES the swing
Quiets when mom sings you are my sunshine and dad sings daisy, daisy
Watches her big sister like a hawk!
Holds her head up all the time
Sleeps like a CHAMP!!! (thank you sweet girl!)
Went from needing to be swaddled to sleep to being cool without being swaddled in like no time
Smiles at the elephant on her car seat handle as soon as she grabs him in her sight
We are sure there is more, but this was an off the top of our head list! With two little ones, this is the best we can do! We adore you our sweet sweet Harper. You are the most calm baby EVER. We regularly pinch ourselves because we don't know how we deserved to be blessed with such a perfectly calm, wonderful little girl. But, we never stop thanking God for you!