The minute Hadley was born I looked at Mike and I saw him fall in love with her. I always thought for some reason that he would want a boy, he never said that, in fact he always said that he would be excited for either, but for some reason, probably just because he was a man, I thought he would prefer a son. I was wrong. I am sure that he would love a son just as much, but there is no question that he is madly in love with our little girl. Right away at the hospital he jumped right in to taking care of her. He changed all her diapers, calmed her when she was upset, and was the first one to want her back from the nursery when they took her so we could get some rest or because she had to have a test or something.
When we got home from the hospital I seriously don’t think that I could have made it through the first two weeks without him. When I would start crying for no reason because my hormones were out of control he would reassure me. When I had to get up to breastfeed Hadley in the middle of the night, he got up every time to talk to me so I wasn’t alone. When I wanted to quit breastfeeding a million times because it was so hard and I was in so much pain, he talked me through it. He was always there, right in the middle of things, never once leaving our side.
I could never imagine doing this alone, or without a husband that is so supportive. I am brought to tears so many times when I watch him with her. When I hear him say to her how much he loves her. When he comes home from work and takes her from me the minute he walks in the door because he missed her so much. When he looks at me and says how incredibly thankful he is that we have such a beautiful daughter. He is an amazing man, I always knew it, and now I am so thrilled that my daughter will know it too…
that's one swell guy.
What a wonderful (and evidently well-deserved) tribute.
I must admit there were a few times during those teen years that I looked askance at Joe and his buds (which, of course, included Mike) and wondered What Would Become of Them! Someday, when you're old like me, you'll know the incredible feeling of pride and love and wonder that comes of experiencing the fact that they turned out very well, indeed, and I will venture to say Joe and Mike did the best job of all. (maybe I'm a BIT biased)
I'm so glad for all of you. And, yes, Hadley is a very blessed little girl.
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