Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Giving Thanks

I am sitting in my favorite recliner in my living room, enjoying a nice glass of red wine, my baby is sleeping and my husband is preparing for our Thanksgiving feast tomorrow. Life couldn't be any better. This time of year always causes me to reflect on all that I have to be thankful for. Sometimes it is easy in day to day life to take those things for granted and to focus on life's more annoying aspects like how much gas, diapers and formula costs, that rude person that cut me off on the drive to work, etc. However, it is nights like this, on the eve of Thanksgiving, that cause me to take a step back and realize all that I have in my life, and boy do I have a lot. I have a wonderful job that I adore most days. I get to work with kids that don't necessarily have a lot to be thankful for, but try their hardest, in their own ways, to be good kids. I have an amazing daughter that, as I have said plenty in the past, makes me thank God on a daily basis for her. I have a husband who treats me as I should be treated, works hard, is a phenomenal father, and has the ability to make my daughter laugh and smile the minute he walks in the room. I have a house that makes me feel like I am at home in it. I have an amazing extended family that supports me, Mike and Hadley on a daily basis. I have friends that I marvel at because they are amazing people that make me feel exceptionally proud to call them my friends. I belong to a church that accepts me and my family for who we are and makes us feel like we are at home there. I don't think that there is much more I could ask for. I have it all.

I will try to remember this when money is tight, the day at work feels like it will never end, that person cuts me off on my drive, or someone treats me unfairly. I am a lucky, lucky person.

I will remember how lucky I am especially when I am at work and see some of my "regulars". My regulars are those kids that are sent out of their classrooms on a daily basis, sometimes several times a day. Their behaviors often times leave much to be desired. I will remember that although I have seen them in my office for the seventh time that week (and it is only tuesday) that they are going home to a home that doesn't have furniture, there aren't many hugs and they may not be eating dinner. I will remember that they don't have what I have, they are left with much want. I will think of each and every one of them tomorrow as I enjoy my house full of family with way too much food. I will silently pray that they are all enjoying a warm meal with people that make them feel loved. I will also know that many of them are not and it will break my heart. I will remember that on Monday when we get back to school and I already have one of them in my office by 8:30am. I will tell them that although their behavior isn't acceptable, that I care about them very much. I will tell them this with the hope that I very much believe in, everyone needs someone to care about them. I will pray that maybe, just maybe, I will affect one of them for the better, my sincere caring will help them choose the right path and become a successful person. I may even hand out a few hugs....

So, take this opportunity to be thankful for all that you have and remember that there are plenty of those that do not have enough this Thanksgiving. We are extremely thankful for all of you. We love you with our whole hearts and are grateful to have you in our lives.

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