Hadley and Melanie giggling together.
Hadley checking out Melanie's dad, Joel's, face.
Jill's friend, Melanie, from high school was in town this weekend so we headed over to the Fonderosa for some home cookin and catching up. It was wonderful to see everyone and they all enjoyed laughing with Hadley!
On another note, I clearly remember the days of the past when daylight savings time would come around in the fall and I would be so excited because it meant another hour of sleep. I tried my hardest to explain this to Hadley yesterday and tell her how excited she should be that she can sleep an extra hour. I didn't try hard enough apparently... At 4am this morning Hadley was up and ready to go. I arrived to her crib to find her laughing and ready to play. I again tried to explain to her that it wasn't time to get up and didn't she remember, she was supposed to sleep that extra hour. She thought that was hilarious and just kept on laughing. So, there we were, playing our hearts out from 4 until 5:20 am when she decided she would take a little rest until about 6:30. There could be another explanation however, the poor kiddo has an ear infection. We noticed all day yesterday that she was tugging on her left ear and sure enough, after waiting an hour and ten minutes to see the doctor at the walk in clinic this morning, ear infection it is. Hopefully she will be feeling much better after the amoxicillin starts to do its thing. We spent the day today just taking care of her and cuddling with her. Unfortunately that meant that mom missed her friend Becky's baby shower, sorry Becky, thanks for being understanding! Now, it is 8pm, I must be off to bed. (:
Love the pix! It was great to see you guys! Love, Mel
Poor Hadley. Brady feels her pain and hopes that she is feeling better!
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