Those of you who know my husband know that he loves a big Christmas tree. It has become a bit of a running joke between he and I. Every year he says, "this year I'll see if I can get one that's not quite so big Jill" and every year I laugh to myself because I know that is just not possible for him. He thinks it bothers me, but secretly I just love it. I love watching him scour the entire lot for the perfect tree. I love watching his eyes light up when he's found "the one". It really is so sweet. I think I love it so much because of the bigger picture. The truth is, he wants it to be perfect for our family, just like everything else. He strives to be the perfect husband and father and pretty much achieves it. The man is simply amazing. He adores being a father more than there are words to describe. He takes a genuine interest in teaching our daughter everything he can think of while playing with her as much as he possibly can. He is an amazing husband that isn't perfect, but takes the time to admit it when he isn't. He has told me every single day of our entire life together, which is approaching 9 years!, that I am beautiful and he loves me. Even on the days that we don't like each other that much! (: Each night when I go to bed I truly thank God for my life. For the fact that we don't have everything, but we don't need it, for the fact that every day isn't perfection, but we don't need that either. For the fact that we struggle, but we grow and learn from it.
So, that is why I love that my husband just has to have the biggest, most perfect tree and it truly is.

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