Wednesday, August 29, 2007


30. The number 30 can represent a lot. Yesterday it represented how many years I have been alive. Many say hitting the age of 30 is traumatic or a major milestone. I didn't feel any different yesterday than I had the day before or today for that matter. It was just another day essentially. I brought doughnuts to my new job, got several Happy Birthday phone calls, and got a special dinner and some presents from my husband and daughter.

However, on my drive to work I thought of the Tim McGraw song, "my next 30 years" and I took the opportunity to think about what I have accomplished in the past 30 years. It is rather overwhelming to think of all that has happened in that time. I experienced my entire childhood, attended college, got a job in the real world, attended college again, got another job in the real world, met a boy, bought a house, got engaged, got married, had a baby, and got my last and current job in the real world. It has been a busy 30 years.

I tried to think of what was the biggest highlight of my life thus far, since this was supposed to be a milestone that I was hitting. It was simply too hard to pick, so what I did instead was to relive in my head all of the most amazing moments I have experienced. I remembered how proud I felt on the day that I graduated with my Masters degree. I remembered the moment Mike asked me to be his wife. I remembered the moment I saw Mike for the first time on our wedding day. I remembered the exact moment in which I found out I was going to be a mother. I remembered what potentially could have been the coolest thing I will ever experience, seeing my daughter born and holding her for the first time. That moment still brings me to tears.

Mike and were talking as we ate dinner last night, with all that has happened in the past 30 years, it makes you wonder will happen in the next 30. Perhaps another baby, another house, another job, more vacations, watching your child or children grow up, retire, who knows? The most exciting part for me as I look forward to the next thirty years is that I am thrilled to have a wonderful family to go through the years with.

I thank God every night when I lay my head down to go to sleep that I was fortunate to recieve the life I always wanted. I feel like I am the luckiest girl in the world. So, here's to my next 30 years, if they are half as good as the last 30 I'll be thrilled.


The Myers Family said...

Happy Birthday, Jill! You are blessed.

ksecs said...

Congrats on completing your THIRD decade. You have accomplished a lot!