Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Post about mom.

So, I didn't make a big deal out of this decision or say much to anyone, but I decided to go back and re-engage in Weight Watchers 5 weeks ago when I realized that the baby weight wasn't coming off anymore. I had started up some poor eating habits while pregnant and I was still about 23 pounds more than I was when I started the pregnancy. I decided it was time to do something. So, I have to say, I made a true commitment to eating better and watching my portions. I am now 5 weeks into weight watchers and have lost 13.8 pounds. I am starting to feel much more comfortable in my clothes and am proud of myself. I have only 9 pounds more to go to get to my pre-pregnancy weight and who knows where I'll go after that! Anyway, I didn't want to post this because I was looking for kudos, I was just posting because I didn't realize how hard it can be to lose the baby weight and I have realized there is nothing wrong with having to turn to some help to do so!


Anonymous said...

I know how you feel. I developed some pretty bad eating habits when Kim was pregnant with our kids and I still have them. I just bought bigger clothes.

Unknown said...

I am so proud of you! One hot mama!

The Schwenzen's said...

yes my wife is hot. and even if she wasn't, I would love her just the same. I have lost some weight myself this year, most of it beer, and feel much beter for it. I want to be around for as much of my daughter's life as possible. I LOVE her so much, and want her to have a long and healthy life as well.
Monkey see monkey do.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your weight loss!!!! You always look beautiful!!!!

The Schwenzen's said...

Thanks for all the compliments. Not sure who anonymous is, but thank you!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jill....I had to comment. I (I should say "we") are Weight Watchers believers. I did it after both of the boys were born and still follow the has Ben and we both lost all the weight that we gained during my pregnancies. Good job!