Wednesday, January 31, 2007
37 and a half weeks
So, we just got done at the doctor. The baby is still head down so we were thrilled. I am a "fingertip" dialated. That really isn't anything, but it is super exciting to us because at least it means that it is starting. The doctor thinks it is still going to be a couple of weeks though. Other than that, all was well, the baby is doing good. So, we wait...
Monday, January 29, 2007
So, I never realized how impatient one could get at the end of pregnancy. I find myself praying to God on a regular basis to make "today the day". Now that we have passed 37 weeks and the baby is technically full term and esentially just getting bigger, I want to be done! I know that 2 1/2 more weeks to reach 40 weeks is not that much longer, but it feels like an ETERNITY at the moment! So, this is my plea, pray that we have this baby soon, I am so ready for the next stage!!! (:
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Doing flips...
So, we had a doctor appointment this morning and Bean did a flip! That's right, he/she is head down. So, we are excited, but do know that there is a chance that he/she could flip back. So, keep saying those prayers, but now say them that bean stays where it's at! We'll see where we are at at our appointment next week and keep everyone updated! Outside of that, all is good. I am not dialated at all or anything so it looks like it will still be a little while!
Sunday, January 21, 2007
36 Weeks

Okay, so even I am shocked when I see the size of my tummy. You think that I would be used to it since I carry it around all day every day, but then I see this picture and I am like, "really, I am that big?!?!" It is crazy. I am hoping this is my last "month" picture. I am assuming that we will either have the C-section or go into labor, if the baby turns, by the time I reach 40 weeks, but we shall see. It is funny, I know that this is all going to come so soon, I mean 4 more weeks is nothing really, but at the same time, it feels like FOREVER! I am truly uncomfortable now, I thought I was a couple weeks ago, HA! that was nothing. Thanks to a combo of the rib, the fact that I have to pee every 45 minutes and the large size of my stomach, sleeping is something of the past. My ankles and feet don't even look like they belong to me anymore, it is the weirdest thing, sometimes I look down and can't get over how much they resemble sausages! But, that aside, the excitement is almost killing Mike and I. We think about the fact that technically the baby could come any day now and it would be fine. We are dying to know if bean is a he or she and what he/she will look like. I secretly pray each day that bean inherits Mike's curls. I watch some of these birth stories and am crying with emotion over the fact that it is going to be us, and soon. It is so weird, the whole past 9 months I have been excited and looking forward to the date that the baby would come, but it always felt so far away, now it feels so close and it is amazing! So, that is all for now. We will of course keep you all updated on bean's position and whether or not he/she decided to do a flip!
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Baby, turn over PLEASE!!!!
Okay, so I am getting another lesson in the world of "things don't always go how you think they will". I had my 36 week doctor appointment yesterday and received some disappointing news, the baby is breech. Now, this is not world ending, it's not like there is something wrong with the baby. But, the deal is, if this little one doesn't turn over by 37 weeks, we are going to have to schedule a cesarean section, and that is exactly what I didn't want to have to have. Again, this is not the end of the world, in fact, there are even some perks to the idea. We would be able to schedule it and know for sure the day that the baby would be born, there would be no waking in the middle of the night to my water breaking, I wouldn't have to go into labor, etc. However, there is also, at the same time, some disappointment in the thought of never getting to experience the way it is "supposed to happen". There is almost some feelings of failing as a woman, like this is what we are supposed to do and I may not get that chance. Also, the vision of my delivering included Mike and I in the nice little birthing rooms they have with Mike coaching me and me pushing through the pain to end up with a little baby that would be immediately put in my arms after it was born. It did not include an operating room with my stomach cut open and Mike sitting behind a sheet with me while my arms are taped down and someone having to hold the baby at my head after it is born for our first meeting. Again, I don't mean to be so negative about this, in the end we will still get a little baby out of the deal, it just wasn't what I was envisioning and that is, at least initially, a little disappointing. So, Mike and I will spend the next week coaxing the baby to do a flip so we can give this a shot the "natural" way. However, if it doesn't move, I think I'll adopt my doctor's philosophy. She said at my appointment that she likes to view it as though there is a reason the baby is breech. I think I'll choose to look at it that way, maybe the baby being born by c-section saved us from something unpleasant that would have happened if it was born otherwise. In the end, we will still have our little one arrive and really that is all that matters....
Monday, January 15, 2007
Babies, babies, babies....

Don't worry, we didn't have our baby. (: This is a picture of our friends, Eric and Anna's, new little one. Rowan is his name and he was born on 1/11/2007. For those of you who might have met them, Eric and Anna, are friends of Jill's from college. This is a picture that they emailed us. Since they live in Appleton we weren't able to meet him yet, but hope to sometime in the near future!
This weekend was filled with births! We learned of Rowan's arrival on Friday and Saturday morning our friends, Marc and Christina, had their baby. They also had a boy and named him Monroe. Mike and I could have kicked ourselves, when we went to visit Monroe we forgot our camera so I'll have to get his picture up sometime in the future. We were honored when we went to visit little Monroe and his parents asked if Mike and I would be his godparents. We gladly accepted and instantly felt the need to protect the little one. He is quite cute with a full head of dark hair.
So, we congratulate our friends on their new little miracles and are now even more excited for the arrival of our little one. It was quite surreal to us when we went to visit Marc and Christina, they delivered at the same hospital that we will. We were both amazed to think that anytime in the next month we will be in the exact same place, but this time, it will be our baby that will have arrived!!!
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
34 weeks and a broken rib
So, I hate to complain, because honestly, both Mike and I couldn't be more excited about the baby that is about to come into our world. But, at the same time, the baby couldn't arrive soon enough. The last few weeks have been rough. It started with bronchitis which was not fun to deal with, but that was nothing compared to the most recent issue. I have a broken rib. Yep, you read it right, a broken rib. The doctor's theory is that I injured it while coughing like crazy when I was sick and then the baby went ahead and finished it off last week. I can not even describe the pain. It was literally unbearable at times. I was off of work for 4 days and was barely able to breathe or move. It has much improved now allowing me to return to work, but I am having a really hard time sleeping at night becuase it hurts the most when I lay down so I have to try to sleep propped up and that usually doesn't work so hot. That on top of the fact that I have a difficult enough time right now getting around with the baby getting so big and it is not the most fun time for me. I will definately be ready to have this baby when the time comes. That and the fact that Mike and I are just dying to meet this little one, see what it looks like and begin the next stage, parenting.
Monday, January 01, 2007
Happy New Year!!!

Well our new year was probably not exciting by most people's standards. It involved eating pizza, watching the Packers, playing yahtzee and Jill in bed before midnight even struck. For us, it was just fine. In fact, we loved it. We are cherishing our time together before the 3rd Schwenzen in our house arrives and right now just being together, the 2 of us, suits us perfectly. We talked a lot about what an amazing year 2007 will be for us, with obviously the most exciting part being the birth of bean, but what is more, is that this year marks a change for us. We will become different people. We will no longer just have to be concerned with the two of us, we will have someone completely dependent upon us. It is a welcome change for us and one we are ready to tackle. We said goodbye to 2006 and welcomed 2007 with much anticipation. We remembered many fun times of 2006, our first anniversary as a married couple, vacations to see our friends Mike and Jen and Josh and Anna, more work done to the house, lots of time spent with family and friends, and much much more. We again feel blessed with our lives, are incredibly happy to have each other and the people that surround us, and wish for everyone to have what we have, contentment. So, with that said, Happy New Year all, and bring on 2007!!!
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