Wednesday, January 10, 2007

34 weeks and a broken rib

So, I hate to complain, because honestly, both Mike and I couldn't be more excited about the baby that is about to come into our world. But, at the same time, the baby couldn't arrive soon enough. The last few weeks have been rough. It started with bronchitis which was not fun to deal with, but that was nothing compared to the most recent issue. I have a broken rib. Yep, you read it right, a broken rib. The doctor's theory is that I injured it while coughing like crazy when I was sick and then the baby went ahead and finished it off last week. I can not even describe the pain. It was literally unbearable at times. I was off of work for 4 days and was barely able to breathe or move. It has much improved now allowing me to return to work, but I am having a really hard time sleeping at night becuase it hurts the most when I lay down so I have to try to sleep propped up and that usually doesn't work so hot. That on top of the fact that I have a difficult enough time right now getting around with the baby getting so big and it is not the most fun time for me. I will definately be ready to have this baby when the time comes. That and the fact that Mike and I are just dying to meet this little one, see what it looks like and begin the next stage, parenting.

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