Don't worry, we didn't have our baby. (: This is a picture of our friends, Eric and Anna's, new little one. Rowan is his name and he was born on 1/11/2007. For those of you who might have met them, Eric and Anna, are friends of Jill's from college. This is a picture that they emailed us. Since they live in Appleton we weren't able to meet him yet, but hope to sometime in the near future!
This weekend was filled with births! We learned of Rowan's arrival on Friday and Saturday morning our friends, Marc and Christina, had their baby. They also had a boy and named him Monroe. Mike and I could have kicked ourselves, when we went to visit Monroe we forgot our camera so I'll have to get his picture up sometime in the future. We were honored when we went to visit little Monroe and his parents asked if Mike and I would be his godparents. We gladly accepted and instantly felt the need to protect the little one. He is quite cute with a full head of dark hair.
So, we congratulate our friends on their new little miracles and are now even more excited for the arrival of our little one. It was quite surreal to us when we went to visit Marc and Christina, they delivered at the same hospital that we will. We were both amazed to think that anytime in the next month we will be in the exact same place, but this time, it will be our baby that will have arrived!!!
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